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Shown to significantly improve patient quality of life as early as 2 weeks after an injection,26 DUROLANE effectiveness has been proven in more clinical studies than any other single-injection hyaluronic acid knee therapy:
Uniquely formulated for superior single-injection performance
Created using an innovative stabilizing technology,27 DUROLANE was purposefully designed to be a powerful, single-injection hyaluronic acid therapy.
DUROLANE is a high-molecular-weight, nonavian hyaluronic acid, stabilized with a carefully controlled cross-linking process to increase residence time in the knee joint.27,28,31
Choose DUROLANE for longer-lasting results
- Increased residence time in the knee joint‡27,29-32
- A half-life of 30 days in the knee joint, for both animals and humans29,30
- The longest reported half-life of any hyaluronic acid product29,32
‡The clinical relevance of this information has not been determined.